Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mathematical Challenge to Obesity

Mathematician Carson C. Chow has found evidence against the rule of a pound being made of 3,500 calories, which he shares with The New York Times. See what new information his caloric equation has rendered.

"That the conventional wisdom of 3,500 calories less is what it takes to lose a pound of weight is wrong. The body changes as you lose. Interestingly, we also found that the fatter you get, the easier it is to gain weight. An extra 10 calories a day puts more weight onto an obese person than on a thinner one.
Also, there’s a time constant that’s an important factor in weight loss. That’s because if you reduce your caloric intake, after a while, your body reaches equilibrium. It actually takes about three years for a dieter to reach their new “steady state.” Our model predicts that if you eat 100 calories fewer a day, in three years you will, on average, lose 10 pounds — if you don’t cheat.
Another finding: Huge variations in your daily food intake will not cause variations in weight, as long as your average food intake over a year is about the same. This is because a person’s body will respond slowly to the food intake."

He's even devised a calculator that can help you decide the amount of calories your body requires in a day. See it here:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Shin Splints

Feeling a dull ache along your shin bone? You could be working too hard too soon, wearing the wrong shoes, or running the wrong sort of surface. Some stretch and rest can help alleviate your pain.

Spark People has an article that has tips and hints to help you deal with the pain of shin splints.

Read it here: