From dark leafy greens to citrus, find out what foods can fight off cancer causing toxins via this great article on!
"Researchers believe that 60 percent of cancer deaths can be prevented by adopting a healthier lifestyle. Start with your diet: Work these 8 cancer-fighting foods into your daily routine....."Read More...
Element Fitness Solutions comes to you -- wherever you are.
I served eight years in the Marine Corps, reaching the rank of corporal. My experience in personnel management taught me patience and calm in dealing with an extremely diverse population in often stressful and difficult situations. I learned to approach every individual with compassion and absolute non-judgment -- and with the expectation that, given the opportunity, they would achieve their personal best. After I was discharged with honors from the Corps, I worked as a personal trainer.
Element Fitness Solutions gives me the opportunity to bring safe, sane, effective personal training to everyone, regardless of body type, ability, age, or weight. We truly believe in health at every size, age, or ability. This is an integral part of our philosophy: deep respect for each person’s individuality, approach, and experience.
My 15 years as a personal trainer have given me the opportunity to work with impressive and amazing people of wonderful diversity, and I truly love helping people grow in strength, health, serenity, and confidence.