Friday, February 11, 2011

Running Correctly

Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise and an important part of a workout. However, maximizing the efficiency of running requires knowledge of proper running form. Running correctly isn’t innate, it’s learned. In the long term, running incorrectly could cause injury from the unnecessary pressures and strains it puts on your body, so it’s important to know you’re doing it right. If you aren’t sure of whether or not you’re running properly, here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure you are.

Be conscious of how you’re moving your body and landing your steps. You should to step with the balls of your feet and not with your heels. Running on heels is a common mistake that can cause injury from the constant impact to your body. The force when your foot touches the ground shouldn't be too strong. Have your foot land lightly with your toes pointing forward. Allow your step to grip to the ground, roll to the ball of your foot, and push off. This allows you to utilize the spring in running that your feet are designed for. Keep your knees slightly bent with each step so you don’t lock up and end up hurting them. Make sure your feet land below the center of gravity (just below the hips). Your legs should be moving in a circular motion from the hip joint, so your midsection stays stable without much twisting. Have good posture. Keep your spine straight and don't hunch over in order to avoid discomfort. Your arms should be bent 90 degrees and moved from the shoulders, not the forearms.

Once you’re running comfortably, focus on keeping your steps steady and maintaining your form. Keeping a good form while running allows for smoother steps and gives a steady pattern for your body to comfortably continue running. Avoid landing on your heel, twisting your hips/waist, and leaning too far forward. Run straight, look forward, and keep a steady pace. Of course, it’s important to be equipped with appropriate running shoes. Running correctly would be much more difficult otherwise.

Want to know more? Read more!