Friday, September 21, 2012

Morning Workouts Curb Your Appetite

If you needed a bit more motivation to get up early for a quick workout first thing in the morning, here it is! About 45 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity in the morning could keep your appetite under control and boost your metabolism for the rest of the day.
Learn about it on Greatist:

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Post-Workout Snack
Photo by Aleksandra Flora
Exercise burns calories, but a morning workout may actually make us skip that delicious egg sandwich. A new study conducted at Brigham Young University discovered that 45 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous morning exercise actually reduced a person’s motivation to hit the fridge afterwards.

The Study

Researchers measured the brain activity of 35 women while they looked at 240 images — half were of food, and the other half flowers. The first measurement took place right after 45 minutes of brisk walking on a treadmill; a week later, the same neural activity was measured but without the exercise. The results found that the morning workout led to lower brain responses to the pictures of food.
Interestingly, scientists also found that participants ate roughly the same amount of calories on both days, regardless of exercise. The 45-minute workout also led to an increased amount of physical activity throughout the day."
Read more:

Friday, September 14, 2012

NYC's Ban on Large Sugary Drinks Is Approved

Bloomberg's restriction on the selling of sugary drinks and sodas over 16oz has been approved almost unanimously by New York City's Board of Health yesterday. This is the first act of its kind, geared towards combating the skyrocketing rates of obesity in America that's responsible for taking the lives of 5,000 New Yorkers every year. Alcoholic beverages, fruit juices, and dairy-based beverages such as milkshakes will not be effected by this. The ban will take place on March 12th, 2013.

For more details, read the article on The New York Times: