Friday, April 20, 2012

Busy? You might be making one of these 10 mistakes.

Being busy comes with many sacrifices. Too much work means less sleep, more stress relieving activities, and quicker food choices for many people. You shouldn't feel as though you have to sacrifice your health for a productive lifestyle. It's working against you!
The Huffington Post has a list of 10 health mistakes you're probably making in your busy schedule.

"When our careers take over, one of the first things we sacrifice is our health. We have a hard time focusing on too many things at once, so when we need to work late and push through difficult and demanding months on the job, we tend to neglect some very important health habits that will help us sustain a demanding schedule.
Consider this a friendly reminder to get yourself back on track. The healthier the body, the healthier the mind; and the healthier the mind, the better you will do at work, and the more your boss will reward you. So listen up -- some of these changes in your daily routine are easy, and you can start them now."

Read the 10 mistakes here:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

10 Rules to Weight Loss

Dieting is the most important key to weight loss. While exercising is an important component, continuing to eat too many of the wrong foods can make losing weight extremely difficult. Know the most important factors and weight loss. See what to cut back on and methods to limit sabotaging your efforts through your diet with these 10 golden rules from Zest. Some of them may surprise you.

1. Do limit added fats to no more than 4tsp per day:These include cooking oils, dressings, marinades and spreads.
2. Do watch your portions: Eat until you’re satisfied, not stuffed!
3. Do choose low-glycaemic carbohydrates: Choose oats, sweet potatoes, pulses and grainy bread to give you the energy to exercise.
4. Do drink at least 2 litres of water a day: And add an additional litre for every hour of exercise you do (250ml per 15 minutes).
5. Do have a non-alcoholic drink with food: Stick to water, fruit tea, plus 250ml of skimmed or semi-skimmed milk in tea and coffee.
6. Don’t add sugar or salt to your food: They will make you retain both water and those excess pounds.
7. Don’t give up if you’ve had a bad day: Stay focused - always remember your end goal for motivation.
8. Don’t skip a snack or meal: You’ll only reach for something sugary or fatty later.
9. Don’t scrimp on veg: Eating more vegetables will keep you fuller for longer.
10. Don’t eat more than two pieces of fruit a day: They are simple sugars.

See it on Zest: