Tuesday, March 23, 2010

8 Superfoods for Fat Burning and Overall Health

If you are like the millions of Americans trying to maintain or lose weight, chances are your doing a couple of things to aid you in your quest. These probably include being calorie conscious, reducing your daily fat intake and keeping an eye on your portion sizes.

But dieters beware: filing up on processed snacks and prepared foods that promise to keep you within your caloric guidelines can actually hinder your metabolism as your body tries to function under nutrient-lacking food.

What you eat is just as important as how much you eat, and the right foods can help you drop pounds by jump-starting your overall metabolic rate and help curb cravings. ††

These eight Superfoods can aid you in reaching your weight loss goals while still providing you body with the fuel and energy it needs.

Wild salmon

Long has it been known that fish fats are good for your heart, but did you know they shrink your waist too? Salmon is loaded with those Omega-3 fatty acids clinically proven to improve insulin sensitivity. Having stabilized blood sugar levels can help build muscle and decrease belly fat. And we all know, the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns naturally. Try to opt for wild salmon, if you can, it has a tendency to contain fewer pollutants.††


A study at Penn State University recently found the old-adage to be true. Well, sort of. An apple a day can keep weight gain at bay. Apples are notoriously high in fiber (up to 4-5 grams each!) which makes them "filling" in nature. People who chomped an apple as a before-meal snack will eat less calories than those who have chosen a less fiber-full nosh. Plus, apples are loaded with antioxidants that may help prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition leading to excess belly fat. †

Dark Leafy Greens

Broccoli, kale, spinach, collard,and other greens are rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, B9 (folate) and C, and full of iron and calcium. Not only that, but these leafy greens have a high fiber content and super low in calories, so you can eat to your hearts content and not "ruin your day". Plus, there's a million and one ways to prepare them; try a raw salad, steaming or sauté them with garlic and a tablespoon of olive oil. ††††


According to recent research from the USDA Agriculture Research Service, blueberries contain the highest level of antioxidants out of all frequently consumed fruit. These little guys also deliver a whopping 3.6 grams of fiber per cup. Fiber isn't just about feeling full: studies have shown that fiber may actually even prevent some of your consumed fats from being absorbed.

Don't like blueberries? Well, don't get too blue, all berries are indeed good for you. However, those with a blue hue are among the best of the bunch -- so try blackberries, or boysenberries instead. †


Need a reason to spice up your meals? How about your metabolism? Chiles contain a compound called "capsaicin", which produced a thermogenic effect when consumed. It English, it means they cause the body to burn extra calories for up to 20 minutes after you eat them. Need another one? You can't gulp down spicy food. The nature of flavor on your tongue leaves you feeling more satisfied and forces you to eat slowly -- giving your brain time to register that your stomach is full. †††


The juice has long been in the spotlight of marketing hypes, but pomegranate seeds deserve their own 15 minutes of fame. Another fruit low in calories and high in fiber, these guys can satisfy your aching sweet tooth without blowing your diet. Pomegranates are also loaded with folate and disease-fighting antioxidants -- and 105 calories a pop, they're super fun to eat! ††††


Dietitians often refer to yogurt as the perfect food -- with its holy trinity of protein, carbs, and fat -- it can stave off hunger by keeping blood sugar levels at a steady pace. In a study at University of Tennessee, people on a low-calorie diet that included yogurt as a breakfast food or snack had a 61% more overall fat loss and lost 81% more belly fat than those on a similar diet plan that omitted yogurt. Also, yogurt is loaded with active cultures which is great for balancing your digestive tract and maintaining regularity. ††


Don't let the 29 gram fat content of an avocado make you walk away from the guacomole bowl -- it's that healthy fat that makes it a superfood. Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that may help to lower cholesterol. Also -- avocados offer you a heaping source of potassium, a mineral that helps your body regulate blood pressure. Adequate intake of potassium can help to guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke and promote overall cardiovascular health.

Add avocado to your sandwich instead of mayo for a creamy texture and a shot of flavor. Keep in mind, avocados do contain a lot of calories for their size -- about 165 calories each -- so it's best to keep an eye on your portions. † - †††††

** Do you have an idea for an article, or do you need advice? Please write us at elementfitnessny@gmail.com! Subject: Blog

† www.self.com
†† www.bhg.com
††† www.webmd.com
†††† www.healthdiaries.com
††††† www.whfoods.com

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