Sunday, May 29, 2011

Achieving Flat Abs

When losing weight, one of the most stubborn areas to achieve results in is the midsection. Losing it takes some directed exercises and adjustments in your diet with the focus of toning your abs and losing weight.
A few suggestions for some exercises that target your abs that are simple, yet effective:
The plank. Position yourself as if you were preparing to do pushups, except have your forearms resting on the ground. Keep your body straight and hold this position for as long as you can. You should feel your abs tense up and have increasing difficulty maintaining this position as time goes on.
Crunches work your abs directly. If you use an exercise ball, it will further engage your muscles and be more effective. Lie on the ball, positioning it on your lower back and cross your arms over your chest or hold them behind your head. Lift your torso off of the ball, pulling the bottom of your ribcage to your hips while keeping the ball steady and return.
Bicycle exercises target many areas of your midsection, being great for a well-rounded exercise for your abs. Lie on the floor and interlock your fingers behind your head, supporting it. Pull your knees towards your chest, lifting your shoulders off of the ground while pulling your neck in. Straighten a leg out while turning your torso to the opposite side, pulling your elbow to make contact with the knee of your still-curled leg. Continue this motion, switching between sides.

Have variety in your ab exercises. Working your abs from different angles and spreading the focus of your exercises throughout your entire midsection will even out the shape and yield better results for a flat and well-defined stomach. Also, ab exercises serve to strengthen muscles and don't burn so much of your midsection alone. It's important to keep up with your cardio exercises to ensure overall weight loss, which helps tremendously with losing belly fat.

The way you eat naturally plays a huge role in your body's weight and appearance. To cut off that tummy flab, you should cut off the foods that work against this goal. Avoid foods full of carbs such as white bread, pasta, white rice, and potatoes. It would be better to opt for more fibrous alternatives such as brown rice, wheat bread and veggies. Drink skim milk and limit your dairy intake in general. To give your metabolism a boost and aid your digestive system, drink plenty of water throughout the day (6-8 glasses) and eat small, frequent meals.

Keep up the effort and dedication and you'll be able to reach your fitness goals.

Want to know more? Read more!

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