Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Preparing yourself for your Spring workouts!

Spring is a mere few weeks away -- opening doors to a new variety of activities and workouts to add to your existing exercise regime. Being cooped up at home or in the gym is no longer necessary with the return of sunny skies and the vast playground of the outdoors.

While it’s great to approach the new season with enthusiasm, it’s important to not jump into rigorous physical activity too quickly. If your winter was relatively sedentary and inactive, gradually reintroduce your workouts into your daily routine. It's important that you don't push too hard too quickly and end up with an injury that keeps you stuck on the couch in the upcoming summer months. Along with your mind, the human body doesn't deal well with sudden intense demands. Give your body a chance to get back into shape before forcing anything too drastic upon it.

Get started with the best part of spring: Walks. One of the best things to do during the spring for a warm-up or to get in extra daily exercise is to take walks. The parks are especially beautiful at this time of the year, with the flowers blooming and the trees regaining their life and color. Enjoy the fresh air and warm sun by going for a stroll for a couple of minutes each day and gradually work yourself up to a brisk walk, increasing your heart rate and aiming for your cardio target. It’s a great opportunity to organize your thoughts or clear your mind and simply appreciate the aesthetic value of Earth’s annual revitalization while burning off some of the days extra calories.

Walking not enough? Become active in the sporting communities around you. Courts are open and often being used for plenty of activities, and plenty of community centers here in the NYC area have sporting events listed. Whether you have a favorite sport or plan on taking up a new one, the new season provides you with a great opportunity to go outside and play it. Play some handball, join in on a basketball game, or invite some friends to join you for some tennis or frisbee in the park. It’s fun, you’ll meet some new people, and your body will thank you for it.

Look into events in your area. There are a number of street fairs, festivals, and other potentially interesting things going on whenever the weather becomes nice. Walking through these and enjoying any of the sights and festivities is better for your fitness than sitting home and watching television.

The new season brings a range of new possibilities for fitness practices and plenty of time to get that beach body ready for summer! Go running, ride your bike, get off that Subway a few stops early -- anything to keep your body moving. Keep yourself fit and healthy and enjoy the return of Spring.

Wishing you a happy and healthy workout from all of us at Element Fitness!

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