Friday, February 17, 2012

The Reason Why Dieting Hurts

Do you ever wonder why dieting is just so hard to keep up with? A little hormone called leptin is the culprit. It plays a key role in energy expenditure and intake, meaning it's behind your feelings of hunger and hinders with your ability to lose weight. Your body automatically responds to your attempts to eat less and lose weight with the perfect counter of making you crave the amount of food you used to eat and slowing down your metabolism to in an attempt to maintain your original weight. It works against all of your efforts with this vicious cycle, but it doesn't have to work this way. There are ways around it!
In fact, cheating on your diet every once in a while is a great way to get your metabolism revving and to keep leptin levels normal, making it possible to continue losing weight while not completely depriving yourself of the high-energy foods that you love! Carbs are actually your best friend for this. You can read about why this is on Laurens Fitness.

"OK, so I mentioned above that leptin levels drop dramatically when you diet, causing all sorts of problems that you don’t want. Basically making it near impossible for you to lose the pounds. The good news is, this is reversed really really quickly. It takes less than a day for leptin to get back to normal levels. With a fair increase in calories, your body will increase your leptin levels, thus your metabolism will go up and appetite will be suppressed. Great I hear you say, but then I am eating more calories and will just reverse all the good work I already did. Well, not if you are strategic about it.
If you cheat on your diet once a week (when we know that leptin can be at its lowest after dieting), you give your leptin and your metabolism a boost, setting and priming your body up for fat loss once you resume your diet. You can eat what you want for a day, try not to binge…it’s just not a good habit. Up your energy intake that day, get your metabolism firing. When you go back to dieting, you will be in a much better state than if you had simply let your leptin levels and metabolism hit rock bottom. It’s almost impossible to lose weight at this stage.
The best thing to eat is stuff that is full of carbs. There is a relationship between leptin, carbs and insulin. There has been research suggesting that upping your energy intake alone won’t really help. If you stuff yourself full of protein and fats, it won’t raise your metabolism and up your leptin levels as effectively as carbs will. So on you cheat day, concentrate on carbs."

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