Friday, March 9, 2012

Why Weight Training is Important

If you don't lift weights, you might want to reconsider your workout routine. Whether you want to lose weight, build strength, tone up, or improve your overall health, building muscle is a necessary step! There are countless benefits to lifting weights.

See the 20 reasons you should implement muscle training to your exercise sessions from Fitbie!

"When you lift weights, you cause tiny tears in your muscle fibers. This accelerates a process called muscle-protein synthesis that uses amino acids to repair and reinforce the fibers, making them resistant to future damage. So when a muscle fiber is exposed to a frequent challenge—as it is when you regularly lift weights—it makes structural adaptations in order to better handle that challenge. For example, your muscles adapt by getting bigger and stronger, or by becoming more resistant to fatigue.
These adaptations occur to reduce stress on your body, which is why you can perform everyday functions—such as walking up stairs or picking up a light object—with little effort. It's also why if you routinely lift weights, you'll find that even the hardest physical tasks become easier. In scientific circles, this is known as the training effect. Turns out, this training effect improves not only your muscles but your entire life, too. It is, in fact, what gives you the edge."

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