Friday, August 24, 2012

8 Signs You're Overtraining

If there's a goal you're driven to achieve you might do whatever it takes to get it. When it comes to fitness, that motivation just might lead you to push your body a little too far. While frequently training to exhaustion might make you feel accomplished, the effects of overtraining will actually be working against your goals. Take care of yourself and listen to your body's warning signs.
Mark's Daily Apple has a list of 8 symptoms of overtraining that you should be taking seriously. It's important to leave your body enough energy to protect and maintain itself.

"When you spend some time among the ever-growing circle of evolutionary-based health writers, thinkers, bloggers, and doctors, you notice a curious thing happening. Conventional Wisdom is becoming turned on its head. Saturated fat is generally healthy and excessive endurance training is generally unhealthy become the presiding narratives. Grains are either unnecessary or have the tendency to attack the gut lining, even guts with “clinically undetectable levels of sensitivity.” You don’t need six square meals a day to keep your metabolism up and running, after all; one or two a day will do just fine.Less is more – as far as exercise goes – is becoming another accepted truth, especially when you understand that 80% of your body composition is determined by how you eat..."

Read the rest here:

Remember, your health and well-being should always come first. That's what fitness is all about, after all. Happy training!

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